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League Fees

1)    Team Registration Fee: $600

2)    New Team Initiation Fee (One Time Fee): $200

3)    Team Forfeit Fee: $200, 4th Offense League SUSPENSION

(Forfeiting team must also cover expense of all referees FULLY if they can NOT be cancelled)

4)       Referee Fees:  Fees for the referee(s) should be paid before a game or during halftime. Fees are as follows:

-  3 man system = $100 for center referee, $70 for each assistant referee ($240 total to be split by both teams)

-  1 man system = $100 for referee (Unlikely in PSL)

-  2 man system = NOT ALLOWED!!! If only two referees appear for a 3 referee match, then one referee shall act as the center referee, the other referee shall act as an assistant referee, and another person shall be enlisted to serve as a linesman to indicate when the ball is out of play.  Payment should be $100 for Center Referee and $70 for one AR

5)       Player Registration Fee:  Handled through the ISSA - $22/player (Cash/check/credit)

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